Special Education Lawyers
- Illinois Lawyers Who Practice Learning Disability Law
- The Law Offices of Joyce O’Neill Austin & Andrew Craycraft – Rockford Special Education Attorneys, 515 N. Court Street, Rockford, IL 61103 Phone: (815)963-4896; Fax: (815)963-4904: acraycraft@sotlaw.net (they are the only lawyers in Northewestern Illinois that concentrate their practice in special education)
- Addis, Greenberg, Schultz & Elizer, L.L.C. 707 Skokie Boulevard Suite 540 Northbrook, IL 60062 (847) 412-1863 Fax: (847) 412-1831 http://www.agselaw.com, WAddis@agselaw.com
- Margie Best – Law Offices of Margie Best, One North LaSalle St. #2200, Chicago, IL 60602 312-263-4040 mbestlaw@gmi.net
- Jennifer L. Bollero, Esq. 825 W. State St., #103D Geneva, IL 60134 (630) 845-8470 fax (630) 845-8371 jlbesq@juno.com
- Barry D. Bright – P.O. Box 603, Flora, IL 62839 618-662-9585 bright@wworld.com
- Mary Denise Cahill – Cahill & Associates 1155 S. Washington St., #106, Naperville, IL 60540, Julie Debnar Paralegal, 630-778-6500 mdcahill@sbcglobal.net
- Sherri Bianchen – she is associatted with the VOICE parents group in Mokena IL (815) 469-4929 or 1-800-469-2844 Fax: (815) 469-6807 voicefamilyties@cs.com
- Matthew D. Cohen – Monahan & Cohen 225 West Washington, #2300, Chicago, IL 60606 312-419-0252 www.monahan-cohen.com mdcspedlaw@earthlink.com contact Delores Kennedy or Annmarie Robinson
- Bruce de’Medici – 53 West Jackson Blvd., #304, Chicago, IL 60604 312-431-1670 demedicipc@aol.com
- Equip for Equality – A federally mandated Protection & Advocacy System for Illinois, has three lawyers on staff that concentrate on Special Education matters: Lori Miller (312/341-0022), and Amy Peterson (312/895-7324) and Deb Wynsong (312/895-7325), http://www.equipforequality.org, contactus@equipforequality.org
- Charles P. Fox – 20 North Clark St., #1725, Chicago, IL 60602 “When Negotiations Fail: What You Need to Know About Filling a Due Process Hearing” 312-606-0221 cfoxatty@earthlink.net
- John W. Gaffney – Weisz & Michling 2030 North Seminary Ave., Woodstock, IL 60098 815-338-3838 jgaffney@mc.net
- Law Offices of Steven Glink – 3338 Commercial Avenue Northbrook, Illinois 60062 (847) 480-7749 (voice) (847) 480-9501 (facsimile) E-mail: steve@educationrights.com Web: www.educationrights.com
- IL-TASH – 406 W. Wood Bloomington, IL 61701 (630) 584-0970 Web: http://www.illinois-tash.org information & advocacy
- Thomas E. Kennedy, III – Law Offices of Thomas E. Kennedy, III, L.C.. 2745 E. Broadway, #101, Alton, IL 62002 618-474-5326 http://walden.mo.net/~tkennedy, tkennedy@mvp.net
- Michael L. Kiser, Ed.D., J.D – Attorney at Law 4713 Seeley Avenue, Downers Grove, IL 60515 (630) 725-0064, Fax (630) 963-0565 mlkiser@comcast.net Attorney representing Illinois special education and other P-12 and college students. Master’s in special education and Doctorate in education in addition to law degree.
- Micki Moran – The Child and Family Law Center Ltd., 1950 Sheridan Road, Suite 106, Highland Park, 60035, 847-926-0101, Micki Moran, Esq., Robert Felker, Esq. (hablo espanol), Child Advocate Bonnie Fell bonnief@lawforchild.com, mickim@lawforchild.com, robertf @lawforchild.com, We are a law firm providing legal assistance to families and children with disabilities in a variety of areas, including but not limited to special education advocacy. We represent families and kids exclusively, http://www.lawforchild.com,
- Michael O’Connor – Michael O’Connor attorney and Sara Mauk Child Advocate 1427 Howard Street, Chicago, IL 60626 semuak@earthlink.net 773/262-2377, 773/262-2199
- Deborah W. Owens – 120 E. Ogden Ave., Ste. 8, Hinsdale, IL 60521 630-789-5856 DOLaw120E@aol.com
- Francine Paradise – 3051 Landwehr Road Northbrook, Illinois 60062 847/509-0544
- Larry Parkham, Esq., Legal Assistance Foundation
- Brian Rubin & Associates – 1110 W. Lake Cook Road, Suite 165, Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089-1997 (847) 279-7999 email@BrianRubin.com – www.BrianRubin.com
- Miriam F. Solo – 6334 N. Whipple, #2B, Chicago, IL 60659 773-973-3143 msolo@aol.com
- Sharon Soltman, Esq., Legal Director at Designs for Change, 29 East Madison, Suite 950 Chicago, IL 60602 800/851-8728 or 312/236-7252 Fax: 312/236-7927 http://designsforchange.org, Sharon was responsible for the landmark Corey H. case against the Chicago Public School District
- Charles Stone, 79 W. Monroe, Chicago, IL 60603 312/372-9220
- Law Office of Joni Beth Taylor – Office located on the courthouse square Jackson County, Illinois 1004 Walnut Street Murphysboro, IL 62966 (618) 684-8668 E-mail: jonitaylor@earthlink.net Serving downstate Illinois – Assisting parents of children with disabilities in: Social Security Claims Guardianship cases after the child turns 18
- Theresa Varnet, J.D., “Legal & Future Care Planning”
- Brooke R. Whitted and Lara A. Cleary – Whitted & Cleary LLC 3000 Dundee Rd., #303 Northbrook, IL 60062 847-564-8662 http://www.WhittedCleary.com, whittedlaw@aol.com
- Out of State
- Reed Martin – Reed Martin, J.D. Conferences And Publications, P. O. Box 487 Morgantown, WV 26507 Telephone Strategy Consultations (304) 598-3406(P) (304) 598-3512(F) speducationlaw@cs.com, speducationlaw@cs.com, connie@westco.net,
- WrightsLaw Authors – Pete and Pam Wright, P. O. Box 1008 Deltaville, VA 23043
- Wrightslaw.com (webmaster@wrightslaw.com);
- Fetaweb.com (webmaster@fetaweb.com);
- Illinois Lawyers Who Practice Learning Disability Law
Juvenile Deliquency Law
- Amy Rubin – The Child and Family Law Center Ltd. 105 Revere Drive, Suite C Northbrook, IL 60062 Amy previously worked as a public defender for seven years in Chicago and the Cook County suburban courts. 847-559-0101 fax 847- 559-9897 amyr@lawforchild.com
- Brooke R. Whitted and Lara A. Cleary – Whitted & Cleary LLC 3000 Dundee Rd., #303 Northbrook, IL 60062 847-564-8662 www.whittedcleary.com, whittedlaw@aol.com
- Patrick Reardon, Esq. – 312/372-5766
- Mike Nolan, Esq. – 312/917-6217
Other Related Specialties
- Linda Mastandrea, Esq., 1327G W. Greenleaf Avenue, Chicago, IL 60626 773-973-6480 email: lindalmastandrea@aol.com . Representing individuals with disabilities of all ages in ADA, Rehabilitation Act, and other disability related issues including vocational rehabilitation and home services cases.
- Brian Rubin – The Law Offices of Brian Rubin & Associates Suite 165 1110 West Lake Cook Road Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089-1997 Phone: (847) 279-7999 – toll free Illinois (866) To Rubin Fax: (847) 279-0090 E-mail: Brian@BrianRubin.com Attorney and parent of son with Autism, limits practice to Estate Planning, Guardianships and related matters for his fellow families of children with special needs
- http://www.SpecialNeedsFuturePlanning.com
- http://www.BrianRubin.com
- http://www.4SNFP.com
- Richard Means – Files Freedom of Information Act requests on behalf of media and citizens. 2202 W. Race Ave. #3, Chicago, Ill. 60612-1522 Phone: (312) 738-1500 Fax: (312) 738-4054 Rmeans@richardmeans.com